Commencing in January 2021, Ebenezer Aboriginal corporation will be conducting a free 12-week program for aboriginal fathers and sons at 4 Penrith Way, Balga. The capacity of the participant’s that Ebenezer will be catering for is 10 fathers and 15 sons, with the target age of the sons preferably ranging from 10-13 years of age.
The aim of the program is to bring father and son together through conversation and learning. Ebenezer’s aim is to be creative in the teaching and learning, allowing one to work at their own pace in a non-threatening, non-judgemental environment. Each weekly training block will have an allocated time limit of 2-4 hours to cover the specific topic of conversation and learning.
Then, at the end each quarter, a day camp will be conducted for the purpose of reflection, learning and establishing lasting relationships between father and son.
For further information, please contact:
Ebenezer Aboriginal Corporation on [08] 9440 1736
Dennis Taylor: 0481 065 771 or email: [email protected]
John Thain: 0422 410 076 or email: [email protected]
Joshua Pickett: 0478 225 898 or email: [email protected]
Date: Fri 22 January 2021 - Mon 22 March 2021
Website: https://www.ebenezerhome.org.au/
Email: [email protected]
4 Penrith Way, Balga
Phone: (08) 94401736