Alzheimer’s WA be hosting their annual signature fundraising event ‘Walk to Remember’ on Sunday, November 5th at the Sir James Mitchell Park in South Perth with the walk commencing at 9am. This year the theme for our Walk to Remember is “The Heart Remembers What the Mind May Forget”. The event incorporates a range of 1 km, 3 km and 5 km in order to encourage individuals of all ages and capabilities to participate. Our aim is to raise awareness for fellow Western Australians who are living with dementia.
On the day, there will be a live band, food trucks, face painting and a bouncy castle providing entertainment for the whole family.
We would like to extend our invitation to the local community to join us for the day. Feel free register for the Walk to remember on our website or call 1300 66 77 88.
Date: Sun 5 November 2023
Website: https://www.alzheimerswa.org.au/
Email: [email protected]
40 Subiaco Square Road, Subiaco WA, Australia
Phone: 1300667788