It has finally arrived, Noongar Radio’s New YouTube Page!!
“100.9FM Noongar Radio Perth”
To start off, each week, we will be uploading an episode of our “Gwabadabiny” [Making Beautiful] series. This is a makeup tutorial series that shows you a wide variety of looks from different age categories, showcasing all our deadly yorgas [women] from the community.
Subscribe, Like and hit the notification bell as we will be uploading more content throughout the months, to keep you entertained and show you what’s happening at Noongar Radio.
We would like to say a big thank you to Somedae Pictures [Steph, Jamie and team] who helped with the production of making these tutorials possible, Deadly yorga Jen from Jen Star Makeup for doing the makeup and facilitating the project, Annie and the team from Lush Perth on Murray Street who sponsored us with Lush products used on the models and the great giveaways for our competitions, Bobbi Brown for giving us some awesome makeup products, Kuditj Catering for providing us with a boss feed for all those involved over the three days of production, Solid yorga Cara, and all the volunteers and models who made the production spectacular, we appreciate you all.
If you would like to be part of the next Gwabadabiny Tutorial, whether that’s being part of the production team or if you would like to be a model. Please fill in your details below, specifying your role and how you would like to help out.
More Content Coming Soon:
- Bush Tucker Series
- National Sorry Day reflection with a Noongar Elder
- And More
If you have any suggested Content you would like to help Noongar Radio produce, we would love to hear from you. Please send us your contact details by filling out the section above.
Stay Deadly you mob and remember to Like, Subscribe and hit the notification bell to get the greatest and latest from
Noongar Radio!!